The dream ends here.
It was not wasted time. I find myself wanting to wake up from this illusion.
A quote from a movie I watched said that "Love is an Illusion". Sometimes it is. I would like to rephrase it so that it would make more sense. Well, for me anyway.
Love sometimes in just an Illusion.
It is like being in a dream. When even love is an illusion. Concocted by irrational thoughts not made concrete by action. If you get what I mean.
It was very funny to wake up in a reality better than a dream. Maybe it's you all along. We can never really tell. I can never tell. And so, I'm taking a chance again on something that may end up being an illusion. But, nonetheless, life is always full of surprises. I take joy in the thrill. the surprise.
So, here is the tricky part. Moving on from nothing.
I'm now laughing at myself. I thought that this was never going to happen again. But alas! History repeated itself. But. I will not repeat the unnecessary to reduce collateral.
It's so hard to never know. Harder if you would be given a chance to know and yet you let it pass. But, I listened to my inner being. I always end up listening to that little voice in my head. That little voice that kept me in-check for all these years. And so, I'm thankful for that voice. I know it's You.
Learning from what ever this is/was, I am now making a pact with myself. I know what to and what not to do. The future is too vague and full of surprises. So, take I will take delight in it this what life has given me. I know I will. I blame my rationality and my consistencies.